How much are the tickets?
The subsidised standard ticket price is £50, which includes all seminars, the exhibition, refreshments and a hot lunch. We run various promotions and offers throughout the booking period, so if you would like to register your interest in a promotional ticket, please email us at
Do you take group bookings?
Yes, we do! Please contact us at for further information.
How do I book on to seminars?
A few weeks before the event we will email you a link and instructions on how to book your seminars. It is a good idea to take a look at the website in the time leading up to this, to get a feel for the seminars on offer and what you might be interested in attending, as place allocations are made on a first come, first served basis.
I can’t remember what seminars I chose! How do I find out?
It’s a good idea to make a note of the seminars you choose as you book them, although please bear in mind that it is on a first come, first served basis so you may not always be allocated your first choice.
On the day of the event, you will be given a copy of your personalised itinerary, detailing all the seminars you are booked on to.
What should I do if I move schools in between booking my ticket and the event?
If you have booked your ticket, you can make the change directly with Eventbrite by logging in to your account. Please also let us know as soon as possible by emailing us at
Do I need to print my ticket?
It is not necessary to print a copy of your ticket. We can scan your ticket’s QR code on your mobile device. Alternatively, we can manually sign you if you give your name and school when registering.
Will I receive copies of the presentations?
Copies of the presentations will be made available to all attendees shortly after the event.